2011-01-15 14:31:55 UTC
My problem is when I start my PC, I get the HP splash screens showing the 4 options (recovery, set up, boot and something else) but it only last for like a second (which is normal) and then I immediately get a black screen with a flashing white 'l' on the top left hand corner with a black background.
I have tried system recovery and it does all the crap then it says restart to now use the PC but the exact issue occurs so I'm guessing the recovery didn't work. I also only have a single recovery date and I've attempted the recovery method 5 times, each time failing.
I also found out there was a method where you fake out the battery and hold down the power button for 30 seconds on laptops, but since I'm using a desktop, I took out the power cable instead and tried it but this method didn't work either, unless I'm doing it wrong.
I also tried the F8 trick to try and enter advanced mode to access my PC via safe mode but the F8 doesn't work. I repeatedly tap it as soon as I start my computer but it never shows me the black screen with the advanced options.
I don't want to ask HP cause knowing them, they'll only help if its a hardware issue (which I doubt it is) and I don't have the Vista disk to repair the problem if its an OS fault.
I heard NVIDIA cards seem to not support Vista but I've had an NVIDIA GeForce G210. Since my desktop PC is only 6 months old, why would this error be the fault of the video card after so long? So I doubt its to do with the card but I may be wrong.
Are there any solutions? If you can help, be as descriptive possible but don't get too techy because that will annoy me a lot. I got some important files on my PC and really need to get this problem solved. If it helps, this problem only occurred while I was installing Vista SP2 (cause I had blue screen of death before the black screen)