I think you need two video cards to do that.
I don't care to do thows kinds of things I kinda think its over kill my brother has 3 monitors in his room.
He is A+ certifyed but he is sleeping.
I pretty sure the answer is you need two outputs.
Thats the way he builds his pc.. with two video cards.
I know swaping settings for the screens is a piece of cake you just right click anywhere on the desktop then click settings then choose.
Some video games don't wana work right with two monitors so I disable the other monitor and then we play stonghold crusader.
If their is a way to do it with one video card I havent seen it.
The only time ive seen two displays with one video device was on a TI/99-4A No one uses that kind of computer anymore exept retro gamers and what not.
There might be some way to do it with one card but its a waste of time and impracticle get two Nvideas and your good to go its a no brainer.