2012-12-20 19:38:09 UTC
I’m trying to figure out if I have a computer problem and head it off before Christmas. I guess in order for someone to provide me with a answer, you’ll need the computer’s specifications.
Processor (Intel® Core™ i7-3770 Processor (4x 3.40GHz/8MB L3 Cache)))
Processor Cooling (Certified CPU Fan and Heatsink))
Memory (16 GB [8 GB X2] DDR3-1333 Memory Module - Corsair or Major Brand))
Video Card (NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 - 1GB))
Motherboard (H61 Chipset Motherboard))
Power Supply (450 Watt - Standard))
Primary Hard Drive (1 TB HARD DRIVE -- 32M Cache, 7200 RPM, 6.0Gb/s
Optical Drive ([12X Blu-Ray] ASUS BLU-RAY Reader - Black))
Flash Media Reader / Writer (12-In-1 Internal Flash Media Card Reader/Writer)
Sound Card (3D Premium Surround Sound Onboard))
Network Card (Onboard LAN Network (Gb or 10/100)))
Operating System (Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium - 64-Bit))
So would an 15 year old monitor even “communicate” with the new computer. Thanks so much.